Valuable Ways to Cope With Stress in Addiction Recovery

Valuable Ways to Cope With Stress in Addiction Recovery

Before an individual entered recovery, they likely used alcohol and other drugs in an attempt to relieve or treat unwanted or otherwise distressing emotions, such as stress and anxiety. Thus, one of the main challenges of lasting sobriety is learning how to persevere in the face of stress without falling back into patterns of substance…

How Can Psychotherapy Help You Overcome Addiction?

How Can Psychotherapy Help You Overcome Addiction?

Addiction presents immense challenges that can severely affect an individual’s health and overall welfare. The disease can negatively impact personal relationships, careers, and the ability to lead a meaningful life. Moreover, underlying psychological factors such as trauma or mental health disorders often compound it. This makes it arduous to overcome addiction. The good news is…

Why Is Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) a Valuable Addition to Traditional Addiction Treatment?

Why Is Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) a Valuable Addition to Traditional Addiction Treatment?

Millions worldwide deal with addiction, regardless of age, gender, or way of living. Equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) can be an incredibly beneficial addition for those undergoing traditional addiction treatment. This distinctive intervention method is an alternative means of addressing addiction that encourages a holistic approach. What Is EAP? EAP is a form of therapy that…

Rewiring the Brain and Overcoming Triggers With Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Rewiring the Brain and Overcoming Triggers With Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Addiction can be a challenging cycle to break. The brain forms neural pathways reinforcing addictive behaviours, making it harder and harder to resist the urge to use drugs or consume alcohol. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has shown great promise in helping individuals rewire their brain’s thinking patterns, giving them more control over their reactions to potential…

Why Young Adults Experience Increased Risks of Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Why Young Adults Experience Increased Risks of Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

It is common for adolescents and young adults to share a misconception regarding substance use disorder (SUD) and addiction – that these substance-related issues and associated health consequences only affect older adults. Oftentimes, even college-aged students dismiss their own potential for addiction, believing that episodes of binge drinking and heavy drinking are “normal” for their…

The Profound Healing Benefits of Nature

The Profound Healing Benefits of Nature

Life is an ongoing journey of striving for wellness. While some people may seek professional support to heal from substance use disorder (SUD) or a mental health disorder, others merely strive for greater peace and well-being in their lives. It can be immensely valuable to recognise that one of the most profound healing resources available…
