gambling rehab today

Inside the Brain of a Problem Gambler

PCP receives many calls from family members who are worried their loved one has a gambling problem or addiction. Just like any other addiction, gambling addiction starts in the brain and its response to a stimulus. Just because a substance is not involved as such, does not mean that gambling addiction is any easier to…

People drinking

London Alcohol Use A Major Cause For Concern

Public Health England has estimated that as many as 589,101 adults in London suffer from alcohol dependency and are in need of specialist alcohol treatment. These statistics are detailed in the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) report for 2016-2017. The report further details that only 1 in 5 adults with alcohol addiction treatment needs,…

ben affleck addict image

Alcohol rehab admission for Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck, the 46-year-old famous Hollywood actor and filmmaker, has broken his silence over his alcohol addiction treatment earlier this year. Affleck, whose ongoing battle with alcohol and gambling has been very much publicised, spent 40 days in a residential treatment centre for alcohol where he was admitted over the summer. There, he underwent his…
