Valium Side Effects Addiction and Treatment

Valium: Side Effects, Addiction and Treatment

Even though it’s a prescription medication, Valium is also an addictive drug. Those who take more than the recommended dose experience a pleasurable, euphoric high besides its calming effects. Benzodiazepines remain among the most widely prescribed psychotropic medications. They are prescribed for insomnia, anxiety, reducing muscle tension and other situations where there is a need…

What does alcohol do to your body

What does alcohol do to your body?

​ Cocaine addiction – how does it happen? Any amount of alcohol can affect your body’s health and wellness, and the risk starts from the moment you take a sip.How does alcohol affect your body? Well, alcohol and its associated risks can have both short-term and long-term effects on your physical and mental health. The…

cocaine addiction

Cocaine Addiction: side effects and treatment

​ Cocaine addiction – how does it happen? Cocaine is a stimulant substance that improves focus and energy by flooding the brain with dopamine. Even a small dose of cocaine has a temporary stimulating effect on the body. It makes the person using it feel euphoric, energetic, talkative, and mentally alert. Other effects of using…

alcohol addiction rehab process

What is the alcohol rehab process like?

One of the questions anyone who wants to enter alcohol rehab asks oneself is: “What is the alcohol rehab process like?”. It’s normal to ask yourself this question, and this is what we’re trying to explain in this post. ​ Alcohol dependence treatment – how is it to approach one of the alcohol rehab centres?…

alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction – how to beat it

Alcohol addiction is so widespread that sometimes people don’t see it as an addiction anymore and consider it quite normal. Especially during these difficult times of uncertainty, many people are drinking more than they used to in an attempt to relieve stress. This is wrong and can lead to alcohol addiction over a quick period.…